Fi & SE CH
b. 17.07.2007 d. 17.9.2015
s. Thank You de Darjeeling d. Khaos La Vida Loca
breeder Sari Laakso, owner Maud Fast
Holder of both oval track race license and lure coursing license
Eyes checked clear 6/2009, 6/2011, 10/2013
Hips A/A, elbows 0/0 7/2013,
Ludde in the Finnish database KoiraNet
Ludde was the dog I thought I would never have, a very one of a kind dog. He had excellent temper, and he was very fun to train with. We trained agility and conformation, and he could have been sent in to the ring alone, so well he knew what to do. I was introduced to clicker training when Ludde was very young, and have since tried to always train in a positive reinforcment way.
Ludde set the base for me in both what the temperament of an Afghan hound should be, and what a good coat is. He was very skilled in dog language, and could use it well. He was a very gentle leader of the pack, whom Micke and Justin highly respected. Ludde never told the boys what to do, they just followed him. He had an easy coat to care for, lucky for me since he was my first Afghan hound after the many years without a dog. His breeder Sari also put a lot of time into teaching her puppy buyers good coat care routines, so it was a good start for me in many ways.
I wish I could have him again, since he would really benefit from the knowledge I have today, both as a dog owner and as a trainer. I was also a pretty inexperienced handler when I had him, I think we would do much better in the ring today, both the conformation ring and the agility ring. But I’m really happy I got him as my first Afghan hound after the long break. He was simply a dream come true.
Pictures on this page: Soile Perjus, Maud Fast, Jussi Laakso, Maud Fast, Mikael Fast, Kirsi Aalto, Soile Perjus, Camilla Fritz